If your PTZ Dome can not work with PTZ Controller. Please check the list below.
- Make sure PTZ Dome is power-on.
- Make sure the connection is correct between PTZ Dome and the computer.
- Make sure the serial port and RS232/485 cable are available. (About Connection Test )
- Make sure the correct baud rate and com port in PTZ Controller are selected and matched with PTZ Dome.
- Make sure the protocol is selected correctly.
There are several protocols, even for same manufactory, please try different protocols, the most common one is Pelco D/P. There are switches or jumpers in PTZ Dome, when you change the protocol, please also check the setting on the PTZ Dome to match it. For Canon, Sony, Bosh and other brands, there are several models, please try different models from same companies or refer the manual of PTZ Dome to find the compatible protocol.
If your PTZ Dome can work with other software while not PTZ Controller, please contact us with following information. (support@serailporttool.com)
Exact model and name of your PTZ Dome
Brief description of connection between computer and your PTZ Dome
PTZ Controller version, which can be find in Help->About dialog.
You OS information, which can be find in My Computer->Properties, you can send the screenshot of My Computer->Properties windows, which contains the Windows version, and hardware information.
It will be helpful if the user manual or specification is included.